

The answer to really confusing science homework that i got wrong at first, but then reread the question and had to completely start over :(

okay, the title was very long, yes i know, but this will be even longer. What it is, is science homework that Poulter gave to us and at first i didn't see the part of the question that said "about our universe", so i started writing about names and language, going into this long essay type of thing thats just basically a bunch of unanswered questions that i have thought about, and have no idea what the actual answer to most of them is. if you get lost, don't worry, at least its not happening in YOUR head, but then again, it makes sense in my head. please put your thoughts and comments in a comment to this post. if you get so lost, that you just give up completely on it in the middle, don't worry. i won't blame you. so, now that you've been fully prepared (maybe), here it is!:


"tell me about something amazing that you have contemplated about our universe. use complete sentences and detail to get credit.

my retarded answer:

I have deeply contemplated the power of names and language. How is it that we can call a simple word ours? How can we even form and pronounce these words? And sometimes, we call a word ours, but then exchange it for another. What happens to that old name? Does it enter the never-ending cycle of used names, or simply vanish, even though someone else will come along and claim the unwanted word for their own? how does some one come up with a new name? Really, you never hear of people named Jessica or Taylor in the history books. How did those come about? How did people react when they heard this new name? Have you ever noticed that when someone else is talking ing the background, and their words just seem like meaningless niose in monotone and they just won't shut up, but then you hear your name said by them a clear as a clap of thunder, and you feel or realize that all that meaningless noise is was completely about you and you want to know what they're saying about you? Why do we always react this way whenever we hear our names, answering to it all the time. And then language. have you ever said a word like "was" or "dog" (any word really, simple or complicated), enough times to the point where it doesn't sound right? Or maybe even in writing, where it looks wrong, but its right, or vise versa? If you've been saying this word, even your own name, for almost your whole life, yet now it doesn't sound or look right, well, why is this? why do some letters even made a certain sound? why are some letters silent in a word? What the heck is wrong with the world?!?!?!?!

sooooooooooooo, yeah. thats the end of my homework that i realized would not work out for me. i came up with the last few sentences, and some in the middle, while typing it here. the next answer i got to actually answer the question was much longer, and slightly more confusing. I'm going to do what cee always tells me to do and stop myself before i write that down here too. DONT FORGET TO COMMENT THIS! I WANT TO KNOW HOW MANY OF YOU OUT THERE THINK I HAVE OFFICIALLY LOST IT!!!!!!!!!!

3 comentarios:




that was hilarious!!!!!! i couldn stop laughing!!! as you saw. you really needed to stop yourself a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog time ago. like, that was the most funniest blokyigb ever. dont ak about the luyfrqwy part. stop saying wait. dont delete this post. erik is a gay stalker freak

huskyluvr7 said...
